Refund Policy Returns & Exchanges
We believe in creating pies that are of the highest quality. We want you to be 100% confident that, when you purchase a pie from, it is everything you imagined and then some. If you are unhappy with your order and/or purchase, please notify us immediately (within 24 hours of pick-up or delivery) of your concern, and return the bakery item to us. We will give you credit for the amount of the returned item for use toward a future purchase. All refunds will be provided as a credit toward a future in-person purchase.
We are committed to providing you with the best experience as well as the best products. Please call the Customer Support Team so we can best assist you.
Please call us first and provide us the opportunity to investigate your issues and credit your purchase during the three day grace period. When you simply chargeback your account with your credit card company, it damages our reputation with our merchant partner and puts the website at risk.
Our goal is to make sure you are 100% satisfied. In almost every case, we will resolve the issue more quickly than our merchant partner.
All charges are shown in US dollars. Payments must be made in US dollars and drawn from a US financial institution. Exchange rates vary and are determined by the issuing financial institution. We accept payment via Visa, MasterCard, check or money order. When choosing a credit card as the primary method of payment, the customer gives consent to (Farmhouse Pies DBA, part of FH Ventures Inc.) to charge the indicated card on the due date of any invoices on the account.
It is the customer’s responsibility to keep all credit card and contact information current.
Invoices are due on the product due date. Accounts that have any invoices that are more than 14 days overdue will be suspended unless prior arrangements have been made. Accounts that have invoices over two months overdue will be subject to termination. All data in these accounts will be removed from our servers and will be irretrievably lost.
In the event that the customer fails to pay for services given, may assign unpaid late balances to a collection agency for appropriate action. The customer agrees to reimburse for all expenses incurred to recover sums due, including attorneys’ fees and other legal expenses, if legal action is necessary to collect payment on balances due. Returned checks will incur a $25.00 fee per instance.
If there is an issue with your account or support, we’d be happy to resolve any questions or concerns you may have. Please feel free to send an email to us at, call us, or access our LiveHelp option on our website. Please request an escalation if this is due to an unsatisfactory answer to a previous issue. Accounts that are terminated due to Terms of Service violations are not eligible for any refunds.
Refunds are issued for products when a request to cancel a product order is submitted via our cancellation form within 24 hours of the order.
Billing Errors
If you discover an error on your invoice please notify us as soon as possible by either calling or emailing our Billing Department at We will honor invoice errors as long as we are notified of them within three days. If more than three days have elapsed, we may decline the refund request. If a refund is in order, it will go onto your account as a service credit to be used on a future invoice.
Charge-backs/Payment Reversals
If at any time you have questions or concerns regarding a charge from (Farmhouse Pies), please contact us at 541-224-5744 or email may reject the future use of credit cards from an account for which a chargeback has been previously issued. Upon receipt of a chargeback or credit card payment reversal, the account related to the payment may be suspended.